qtCritique Help

Learn about using qtCritique.

Finding Submissions to Critique

The heart of qtCritique is in critiquing submissions. Authors will post their writing to the Submissions page, and you, the critiquer, will read them and offer your suggestions.

To find a submission to read and critique, first go to the Submissions page by clicking the "Submissions" button in the top bar.

The Submissions Table shows all the queries currently available to be critiqued.

To learn the purpose of each column, go to the submissions page, then click the respective question mark icon at the top of each column.

Searching for Submissions

Use filter tools to find submissions that interest you.

Enabling Filters

There are several ways to narrow your search. For example, if you are only interested in reading a certain genre, you can set filters to only show that genre.

To set filters, click the filter icon in the upper left corner of the Submissions Table.

This will open the filters menu.

Filter by Genre

To view submissions of a certain genre, select that genre from the list.

The submission list will update to only show subissions that match the genre you select.


If the genre filter is not showing, enable filters.

More Filter Options

You can search by any of the columns using the search tools in the column heading.


If the filter options are not showing, enable filters.

Filter Indicators

The filter icon will turn orange to indicate a filter is active.

Any filter selector shown in orange means that filter is active.

Removing Filters

To clear all the filters and go back to viewing the full submission list, click the filter icon again.

Find New Submissions

Filter the submission list to only show submissions you have never viewed.

New Submissions

Whenever another member posts a new submission, it will be shown with a blue diamond icon.

If you view the submission, even if you decide not to critique it, the diamond icon will go away, letting you know you've already viewed this submission.

Show New Submissions

Clicking the "New" tab at the top of the list will filter the list and only show new submissions.

To return to the full list of submissions, click the "All" tab.

Reciprocal Submissions

A Reciprocal Submissions is a submission posted by an author who has previously critiqued one of your submissions. It's a way to find authors who have critiqued you, so you can return the favor.

Reciprocal Submissions

A Reciprocal Submissions is a submission posted by an author who has previously critiqued one of your submissions. It's a way to find authors who have critiqued you, so you can return the favor.

A reciprocal submissions is indicated with a blue icon with crossed arrows.

The number below the icon indicates how many times this author has previously critiqued one of your submissions.

Show Reciprocal Submissions

Clicking the "Reciprocal" tab at the top of the list will filter the list and only show reciprocal submissions.

To return to the full list of submissions, click the "All" tab.

More Filter Options

More Filter Tabs

There are more filter tabs available than just "new" and "Reciprocal".

To learn more about what each tab does, go to the submissions list and click the question mark icon.

Viewing a Submission

Viewing a Submission

To view a submission, click the submission's title.

You'll be taken to that submission where you can review it and decide if you want to critique it or not.

Bookmarking Submissions

Bookmarking Submissions

If you find a submission you want to critique, but don't have time, you can bookmark it and return to it later.

This will place a bookmark icon next to the submission in the submission list, so you will always know you bookmarked it.

The authors are never told if their submissions have been bookmarked.

Viewing All Bookmarks

To view all your bookmarked submissions, click the "Bookmarked" tab.

Disregarding Submissions

Disregarding Submissions

If you find a submission you decide against reading, you cam mark it as "Disregarded".

This will place a disregard icon next to the submission in the submission list, so you will always know you disregarded it.

The authors are never told if their submissions have been disregarded.

Viewing All Disregards

To view all your disregarded submissions, click the "Disregarded" tab.